Love Lights: A Tribute to Those We Hold Dear
For over 20 years, Friends of UW Health’s Love Lights display has offered a cherished way to honor those we hold close today and remember those who live on in our hearts. Each year, Love Lights brings warmth and comfort to all who pass through the entrance of University Hospital, creating a heartfelt display that symbolizes support for our patients and their families.
Your Love Lights Gift: A Gesture of Support and Remembrance
The Love Lights display serves as a reminder of the many lives touched each day at UW Health. Through your Love Lights donation, you bring comfort to patients and families, helping us continue our mission of healing. To include a loved one’s name in this season’s display, please make your honorary or memorial donation by December 31, 2024.
How to Participate
We invite you to join us in Love Lights, a special program to honor or remember those you hold dear during the holiday season. Make a donation to pay tribute to someone special in your life by visiting Proceeds benefit patients and families at UW Health, making a meaningful impact in their lives.
Share a Memory with Our Photo Slide Show
Would you like to include your loved one’s photo in our Love Lights photo slide show? Simply email the photo to with your loved one’s name in the subject line, exactly as you’d like it to appear in the slide show. You can view the photo slide show HERE!
In honor of:
Nancy Amyx
Dr. Scott A. Anderson
Mike Armbrust
Al Bauer
Dennis Blackmore
Frank Brewer
Mark Flottum
Betty Lou Fuller
Lynn Jaeger
Bernie Killoran
Kathryn Killoran
Kenneth Kuebler
Wayne Layton Wittenberg
Mary Kay Logemann
Mike Lucas
Paul Mericle
Betty Moltzau
Amy Muenchow
Brian Schmitt
Shayna Smithback
Norma Thompson
Sara Vande Boom
AJ Vetter
Ali Waundschneider
In memory of:
Porkey Aaberg
George Acker
Mary Ellen Acker
Antonette Adams
Dennis Albrecht
Kenneth Allison
Kathy Amend
Jerome C. Anderson
Peter N. Anderson
Richard A. Annen
Bill Argall
Sam Armato
Om P. Arora
Thomas Asciutto
Clarene Backus
Irving Backus
Thomas J. Badura
Yvonne Baker
Beverly Ballard
John Barker
Battista Family
Ronnie Bauer
Elizabeth Baxter
Roger W. Beneker
Vicente V. Benig
Rodney Berg
Paul John Bertics
Stella Berven
Michael Beuthling
Terrance William Beuthling
Howard Bigham Christensen
Dennis Blackmore
Lyle Bliss
Patrick Bliss
Greg Blomberg
Duane Bollig
Mary Lou Bollig
Patricia Bondehagen
Betty Bonner
Donna Borchardt
Linda Borchardt
Eric Borcherding
Adam Bryan Borseth
Steven G. Boyle
Benjamin Brewer
Karen Brewer
Adam Brien
Roger Brill
Michael Brown
Vic Brown
William J. Bula
Adeline Christine Bunderson
Steve Bunderson
Stella Bunnow
Jordan Burch
Susan Burdick
Lynn Burlson
John Burns
Charlie Burton
Fred Busler
Tom Callahan
John J. Carey
Larry K. Chidley
John C. Clauder
Allan Coffey
Judy Coffey
Ruth Collins
Kristen Cook
Mary E. Cook
Lawrence J. Cook, Sr.
Marrianne Jean Culbertson
Brett Czerepinski
Genevieve Czyscon
Stanley Czyscon
Karen Dahl
Mary Jane Dahmen
Grace Davis
Helen DeMuth
Paul DeMuth
Linda Desormeaux
Brad A. Dickey
Mary Lou Diebold
Sharon Diericks
Rebecca Dixon
Eileen Donohue
John Doris
Anthony D’Souza
Vickie L. Duhr
Stanley H. Duke
Gary Alan Engberg
Christine Erdman
George Erlandson
Maude Erlandson
Melanie Ertz
Frances L. Ervin
Frances Felland
Scott Laird Felland
Ferenchak Family
David H. Feuling
Chrysa Fitzsimmons
Dennis Flasch, Sr.
Ken Flom
Ed Folger
Kathleen Folger
Ervin Forgy
Florence Frankenstein
Sharon French
Timothy Frickelton
Erin Frieders
Harry Fuller
Jenna Marie Furseth
Robert Gartner
Mary Ann Gaudette
Noel Gaudette
Gordon Gebhardt
Tracey Gebhardt
Roger Gehri
Caryl J. Gempler
William Harris Gempler
Diane Gotzion
James O. Greene
Dorothy Grube
Harold Grube
Matthew Grunwald
Terry Gullickson
Heidi L. Habel
Kathy Hahn
Larry Hanko
Judy Hanson
Philip H. Hanson
Hjalmer A. Harried
Michael (Mike) Harried
Carson Hartwig
Robert Gordon Harvey
Ronald P. Hatlen
John Hazlewood
Thomas A. Heberlein
Gladys Heimann
Sylvester Heimann
Roy R. Hermes
Ron Hermsmeier
Richard L. Hillestad
Hartmut Hochst
Peter Holte
Maurine Holtz
Rodney E. Hunsberger
Donald Christian Hunt
Larry G. Isaacs
Eric B. Jensen
Tate Jensen
Jan Johnson
Julie Johnson
Lenny Johnson
Michael Johnson
Wendy Jones
Suzanne Jane Kahl
Ian Kamedulski
Marian Elise Keefe
Edie Kelley
Marian Kelley
Ronald Kelley
Susan Kelly
Colleen Klimpel
Brian Kluender
Karen J. Knetter
Karen Knuth
Robert Knuth
Henry Koci
Mildred Koenig
Robert Frank Kohl
Rodger H. Koppenhaver
Michael J. Krebs, Sr.
John Kreul
Bud Kroncke
Sharon Kroncke
Judith Kruse
Mildred Kuebler
Ally Kuelz
Kylie Louise Kundert
Steven Ladubec
Gerri Lardinois
Rodney Larson
Michael Laufenberg
Charles Lavaty
Ik Ja Lee
Jeanne Lee
John P. Lenborg
Lors Lenzen
James Leu
Jim Leu
Curtis D. Leuzinger
Dennis Levan
Randall Randy Locke
Bill Logue
Rosalie Logue
Darrell B. Loper
Matt Lundgren
Eleanor Lyall
Gary E. Lyons
Joyce Maass
Elliot Mager
Susan Mager
Geraldine M. Malak
Stephen Malkus
Peter A. Maly
Cile Manderfield
Ken Manderfield
Alvin Manus
Dennis Manus
Marcella Manus
Bill Marheine
Kristin Marx
Bill Massey
Lawrence V. Mastalish
Eric Mayheu
Mary Mayheu
Benjamin McCabe
Terry Lee McKinney
Agnes M. Meddings
William T. Meddings, Sr.
Jeffrey Robert Melius Kunz
Steven A. Mentel
Robert Otis Mickelson
Gerald Bud Mielke
Rita Mielke
Matthew Miller
Bernard Charles Mittelstaedt
Carol C. Monk
Robert W. Monk III
Geraldine Morrison
Bernard Motl
Joan Motl
David Mott
Sally Mueller
Jerome Nachreiner
Christine Nadolny
Nasielski Family
Tyler Nauta
Marilyn J. Nelson
Wes Nesbit
Kent Harvey Newell
June Nichols
Michelle Nichols
Victor Nichols
Gary Niemczyk
Susan Ann Nitzke
Billy Boy Noll
Tracy O’Brien
Edward O’Connor
Arne Offerdahl
Jane Offerdahl
Jane Offerdahl
Margaret Offerdahl
Nels Offerdahl
John Olesczuk
Duane Olson
Jim Olson
Victoria Olstadt
Marshall Onellion
Robert Palmer
Masey Louise Paris Farrell
Richard L. Parish
Tom Parisi
Robert J. Pawlak
Audrey M. Pendergast
Jack Pendergast
Gary L. Peper
Micol Pertzborn
Bryan Peters
Robert Victor Petershack
Petoska Family
David Pfaff
Dominick Pisano
Barbara A. Plaisted
Jeanette Pocius
Wayne Price
Barbara A. Puls
Robin Purcell
Fern Reed
Gayle Reed
John Reed
Daniel Repka
Peter Rheinschmidt
Lori Richgels
Kaye Ring
Edith Rizzo
Peter Rizzo
Peter M. Rizzo
Judy Robida
Maeve Robida
Calvin Rosman
Genevieve Rosman
Robert E. Rottman
Tom Royston
Barbara Russell
Barbara Joan Russell
Kate Schaffer
Richard L. Schmeling
Betsy Jane Schulte
Arlana Schultz
Gilmore Schultz
Jerry Schultz
Ronald D. Schultz
Virginia Schultz
Donald W. Schwartz, Jr.
Donna J. Schwoch
Henry Scoles
Vera Scoles
D James Sebree
Agnes Severson
Ralph Severson
Dennis R. Sherraden
Fred H. Simon
Margaret Simon
Richard A. Skubal
Geralyn H. Slack
Jim Slattery
Alan Smith
Elaine Snyder
ellsworth snyder
Kent A. Soderholm
Thor Richard Soderholm
Stephen P. Soltwedel
Harold A. Sparks
Mary Kay Sparks
David Squire
Donald Squire
Keith A. Stalker
Greg Todd Stamm
Bob Stauffacher, Sr.
David Steffenhagen
Gayle Stegeman
Jerry Stoffel
Linda Stoller
Mike Stoller
JoAnn Stormer
Betty Stowell
Pat Stowell
David Strasser
Josef Stumf
Olle Swartling
Richard Taets
William R. Tank
Cory Tarrant
Don Tews
Terry Thomas
Danny Thompson
Dory Thompson
John M. Thompson
Aurelia (Rae) Tragas
Jim Truog
C.J. Charles Tubbs, Jr.
Hans Udo Von Tresckow
Julie (DuChateau) VanderLoop
Joey John Van Dinter
Louise VanDusen
Midge Vaudreuil
Edward L. Vervoort
Jerome M. Vetter
Alan Vinz
Dale R. Volenberg
Ken Wachholz
Karen Wasserberg
Richard Waundschneider
Erin Welch
Michael Welch
Dean Weston
Ronald Glen White
Ronald V. Wiecki
Barbara Wiest
James D. Wilker
Tom Williams
Colleen Wincentser
Patrick J. Witkowski
John J. Witzig III
Kifle Wodajo
Aly Wolff
Harold M. Woolf
Robert Young
Tammy Young
Alice Youngwith
Jim Youngwith
Robert M. Ziegler
Mary Ann Zilz
Support Love Lights and Transform Lives
If you haven’t had the opportunity to donate yet, we invite you to honor your loved ones’ memory by making a contribution HERE. Your tax-deductible donation directly supports the patients and families at UW Health, helping us continue providing compassionate care.
Contact Us
For questions, please email
Donate to Love Lights HERE!