
Grant Criteria

Mission Statement: Friends of UW Health is a not-for-profit organization committed to supporting patient and family-centered care at UW Health. Through its grant program Friends provides funding to UW Health programs and services that embrace and fulfill this mission.

UW Health Funding Guidelines

  1. Friends of UW Health will fund startup money for new projects or programs.
  2. Friends of UW Health funds projects that are not financed through operating budgets.
  3. Programs that Friends of UW Health has supported annually will be reviewed upon request for funding.
  4. Friends does not administer or physically maintain projects or programs.
  5. Funding is typically not granted for the following:
    • Staff salaries and benefits
    • Consultant fees
    • Standard departmental equipment (capital)
    • Research projects
    • Video productions
    • Furniture, aquariums, carpeting, murals, room décor, and other aesthetic goods.
  6. Funds are provided during the fiscal year of the grant award and should be spent by June 30.
  7. Friends encourages progress reports from grant recipients.

Addition to grant application

If a grant requestor received funding from Friends in the past, a progress report on the initial grant is required.

 Grants Timeline:

  • Application period is open year round
  • Applications are due December 1
  • Friend of UW Health Board approval at February board meeting
  • Review approved funds with UW Health leadership February
  • Allocate funds in February
  • Funds must be spent by June 30